Six firefighters and one police officer from Valladolid City Council will compete in the Games

The Councillor for Public Health and Public Safety, Alberto Cuadrado, stressed the importance of these games for the City Council “as well as being represented in this European competition, it allows us to promote the fitness of the city’s firefighters and police, which is essential for their own safety and that of the people they help in their interventions”.

The Valladolid delegation is made up of Raúl Pascual (tennis, table tennis, road cycling and timed climbing; Julio Herrero (marathon MTB, 2K open water, 500m indoor rowing); Juan Núñez (triathlon, darts, road cycling and karting); Jesús del Caño (Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon and 2K open water); Alejandro Pérez (MTB marathon); Pablo Berzosa (MTB marathon) and Adrián Olmedo Oses (Aquathlon, 2K swimming in 50 and 100 metres, 400 and 800 metres on track and TCA).