The Games left an economic impact of 2 million euros in Torrevieja

The stay of the participants resulted in 18,000 overnight stays in hotels and tourist flats, as well as substantial profits in shops and the hotel and catering trade.

Two million euros. This is the economic impact that the City Council of Torrevieja figure that have left in the city the 10 intense days in which it has hosted the IX European Games of Police and Fire. An edition that, they describe, has closed this edition with a “resounding success in terms of participation” of all the tests carried out in our city.

They indicate that this sporting event has concentrated more than 2,400 participants and has mobilized around 1,600 visitors and families who have lived in Torrevieja a few days of holiday, enjoying the sporting events of this competition.

The Department of Sports has valued very positively this event and, he says, maintains its commitment to sports tourism, to continue supporting and strengthening this growing tourism sector to help seasonal tourism.